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Club Fundraisers

Our club is not only funded by member dues but we also depend on various fundraisers throughout the year. Please see the descriptions below to learn more. Members are encouraged to get involved with as many of these fundraisers as possible. Not only do they provide needed funds for our club, but they also directly impact our community and our ability to give back.

Koeze Nut Sales
October 1 - December 5

Each year, the Nisswa Lions Club sells KOEZE nuts - a treasured holiday tradition - with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the club. Order October 1 - December 5 and your nuts will be ready to be picked up in time for Christmas - they make wonderful gifts! For more information, contact us at

Peach Sales
Late July/Early August

Each year, the Nisswa Lions Club sells peaches from Colorado orchards to raise funds for their community projects. These are some of the best, tree-ripened, juicy peaches you could imagine. Arrival dates vary based on the orchard, so check our Facebook page for the most up to date information.

Childhood Cancer Lunch
September 29, 2024

Each year, the Nisswa Lions Club hosts a Childhood Cancer fundraising luncheon. The event is held at Lutheran Church of the Cross. 300 tickets are sold. Proceeds got to helping families in the local area that have a child 19 and under with cancer. Visit our Facebook page for details about this event.

Lions Food Trailer
Throughout Summer

The Nisswa Lions Club started Pork-on-a-Stick in 1988. Within a short time, Pork-on-a-Stick became World Famous. Funds generated from Pork-on-a-Stick are all put back into the community. Follow our Facebook page to get updates on our food trailer location throughout the summer!

Wreath Sales
October 1 - December 5

The Nisswa Lions sell wreathes to support another Lions club within District 5M9. Follow our Facebook page for updates on our wreath sales for the holiday season.

© 2024 Nisswa Lions Club

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